Wilbur's Notebook
King of the Jungle
Lions are ever present throughout the novels of Wilbur Smith. The ‘King of the Beasts’ has from ancient times been used in language and culture as a symbol of nobility, strength, power and courage.

Wilbur's Books
King of Kings
Penrod Ballantyne joins the Italian forces, intent on capturing Abyssinia under King Menelik II. But at the newly established Courtney mine in Abyssinia, Ryder Courtney, wife Saffron and Penrod’s beloved Amber Benbrook reside in the good grace of Menelik II. On opposing sides in an impending and terrible war, will Penrod and Amber find their way back to each other?
Wilbur's Notebook
Kingdom of Kings
Historically known as Abyssinia, Ethiopia is Africa's oldest independent country. In the 12th century, a letter sent to a number of European capitals from an Ethiopian emperor indicated that the kingdom of Prester John was in Ethiopia . . .

Wilbur's Books
Birds of Prey
In Birds of Prey, Hal Courtney decides to take his ship north to help the mythical Christian emperor Prester John defend his empire from invasion by the Muslim Arabs.